The Organisation

Riemu Finland ry is an organi­sa­tion aimed at impro­ving the health, social partici­pa­tion, and social well-being of young people. Our organi­sa­tion focuses on the preven­tion of substance abuse.

Our values are commu­na­li­ty, equali­ty, and joy. Our work has inspi­red young people all over Finland to partici­pa­te in social­ly empowe­ring, drug-free activi­ties, in which every­one is treated as equals. We aim to give young people the chance to make new friends, as well as the oppor­tu­ni­ty to try out new hobbies and get positi­ve experiences – all of which reduce the risk of drug abuse and mental health issues. Our organi­sa­tion works closely with a variety of social services, healthca­re profes­sio­nals, and youth organi­sa­tions, both locally and natio­nal­ly. Our work is funded by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, with funds coming from Veikkaus, the natio­nal lottery company.

Our dream is a society in which all young people have an equal oppor­tu­ni­ty to lead a healthy life.

Our mission is to provide all young people with equal oppor­tu­ni­ties to partici­pa­te in society, no matter their background.

Our activi­ties give young people the chance to make friends, feel a sense of belon­ging, get positi­ve experiences, and disco­ver their strengths.

Let’s work toget­her for the well-being of young people!

Our Projects

Drug Education Programme

The Riemu Educa­tion Program­me is develo­ped for young people in upper compre­hen­si­ve school as well as for practi­tio­ners working with them (such as youth instruc­tors and teachers). The goal of the program­me is to prevent drug use among young people and children through social empower­ment and social partici­pa­tion. Some parts of the program­me are aimed at young people (such as band compe­ti­tions and Riemu­fest evenings), while others are inten­ded for profes­sio­nals and organi­sa­tions working with young people.

The Ink Team

Riemu Finland offers work experience place­ments in Jyväs­ky­lä for people aged 18 to 29. The work consists of youth-led team work, shared activi­ties, as well as indivi­dual and group training sessions. The duration of the Ink Team is approxi­ma­te­ly 3.5 months, with the aim of impro­ving work skills and holis­tic well-being of young people. The partici­pants will work in small teams which will be formed around their interests. Each team will have a mentor, and select a leader amongst themsel­ves. The purpose of working in teams is for young people to learn to work toget­her, recog­ni­se their strengths, and improve their commu­nica­tion skills.

ISGee – Online Gaming Community

In 2017, we intro­duced a two-year online gaming project aimed at 13 to 29 year-old people interes­ted in online gaming. The purpose of the project is to improve the health and social well-being of young people as well as to address the adverse effects of digital gaming.
The ISGee gaming commu­ni­ty was develo­ped as part of the project. The purpose of ISGee is to offer holis­tic commu­ni­ty support for young people interes­ted in online gaming.

Käännös: Kristii­na Pänkä­läi­nen